Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Tutorial on decision/branch in C/C++

Meet again with me at tutorial about decision , I would make the project a condition of using the if else if . lets start!
1. First, open program Dev C ++ , just opened and just click the menu File > New > Source File or just press CTRL + N ok the keyboard
2. The new file is already open , truly new and empty like a blank white paper
3. If already create a new file , we just started to make a program if else condition . Follow coding on the picture and consider each word of program because it is sensitive to typo user

4. Notice the word is right.before compile must save first. We give a name file "decision" Then Click Save.

5. then click Compile and Run button or just press F11 on the keyboard

6. successful compilation. the program will directly open . In this program I made three conditions where the first condition that b < 0 is negative , while b == 0 is zero and b> 0 is positive , still dont understand ? Need a picture ? See below ya!

7. Already know? what is a function if else on a programming . This is the basis of programming where a large project
 that will help you later on . Good luck and dont ever give up just because the hard coding .
 Make coding is a pleasure and not a burden to live

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