Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Tutorial of each data types in C/C++, reading input from user, writing an output, input redirection "<" for faster testing

Hi my name is Lia Kurnia Sari , this time I will give an example of a C language program that is user- input- output . 
The point is that the program allows the user to input the data and displays the data entered by the user.Clearly see the tutorial below ya
1.First Open Dev C ++ , and will appear as blank, we click File > New > Source File or press CTRL + N on the keyboard
2.Then a new file will appear , it is empty there is no anything

3.Continue just follow the scripts on the picture

4.before compiled , the file must be saved first. We give the name of the project this time by the name of user- input- output then save
5.After that compile and run the program or press F11 on the keyboard
 6.And the program is successfully compiled , at the bottom there are compile a log that displays activity is running smoothly or have some error . And the program also automatically open because we had direct Compile and Run .  On the program explained that it asks the user to input the data
7. We can try to input the data ,try integer or numeric data input , example 5
8. And the program immediately displays that was input by the user . On the program using scanf and printf where  scanf like textbox with name textbox is c , where on top of its already made variable c . 
 Then called scanf for input of data and come up with the c variable data using print
9.that is my tutorial at this time , hopefully can help the beginner who wants to be a programmer.

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